Ken Debuts in STREET FIGHTER V Trailer
Shoryuken!!! Perennial fan favorite contender Ken has finally been revealed in a new trailer for Street Fighter V, and he's gone through a few changes. His coveted (yet annoying) move-set seems to be returning, and his fighting garb is a big improvement over his traditional look. The thing is, and it might be just me, but doesn't he kind of look like Steven Seagal? The ponytail doesn't hurt the comparison, and mind you we are talking Under Siege Seagal, not necessarily Glimmer Man Seagal.
It's just me, isn't it?

Oh well, regardless of the resemblance, his moves and the game in general just look sick, and I can't wait to see more.
Who do you want to see added to the roster? My vote is for Crimson Viper to make a return, but let us know what you think in the comments below.