Last week Machinima released a Ryu themed trailer for their upcoming web-series Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist. Today we have a trailer focused on the character Ken, and it gives us a little background him. It also features Ken sparring with Ryu, and at the end of the trailer he even yells out "Shoryuken!" with all of his might, and it's pretty fantastic. This looks like it really could be a fun series.
Assassin's Fist is the translation of 'Ansatsuken' the arcane Japanese lethal Martial Arts style of which Gouken, Gouki/Akuma Ryu and Ken are all exponents.
Through the coming of age story of Ryu & Ken, we are shown the back story of some of the game's most iconic characters, and over the course of the series we will see how the past, present, and future of all of those characters are intertwined, as the battle to become Ansatsuken Master threatens to tear apart another generation of brothers.
The series is set to debut on the Machinima youtube channel in May 2014, before hitting TV, On-demand, and DVD/Blu-ray.