Kerry Washington Rumored to Be Testing for Domino in DEADPOOL 2
Looks like Scandal star Kerry Washington is being tested for the role of Marvel assassin Domino for the upcoming Deadpool 2. CBM brings us the news today along with the character description from the film below:
Female, All ethnicities, Late 20s – early 30s Sexy, lithe and athletic. She has a witty personality.
Neena is a no-nonsense badass who rarely shows her feeling. Highly capable, supremely confident and armored in… well ARMOR… and bullet-proof sarcasm. But beneath her shell she’s still and vulnerable and some soft, beating remnant of her humanity remains intact.In this scene we need to see both sides. When she can’t get what she needs with insults, bluster and threats we need to see some of that vulnerability. It’s hard for her to let down her guard, and in the mercenary community she grew up in showing compassion is almost embarrassing. We should feel like she’d be more comfortable killing Silberman than saying “Please”.
If Washington ends up getting the role, I'm a big fan of the casting! Kerry was great in Django Unchained as well as pretty much everything else she does, so she should knock this one out of the park! Can one of our talented readers do a mockup of Washington in the Domino makeup? I feel like I have to see it now!
Of course "testing" means Washington is only in consideration for the role and is not a surefire thing. Is there anyone else you see beating her out for the role or who would do a better job?