Kevin Feige Doesn't Anticipate "Going Through the Emotional Rollercoaster" of Losing Spider-Man Again
I know you all remember those crazy days when it looked like Marvel Studios completely lost Spider-Man to Sony and that we wouldn’t see the character in the MCU again. Luckily, things worked out in the end, and they renegotiated a deal that included two more films in the MCU.
During that madness, Kevin Feige said that he was prepared for the separation. During an interview with Empire, he shared:
"I was mentally preparing to emotionally separate from it. I didn't love it, but it is what it is. And then, thankfully, it came back together."
You know who wasn’t prepared for the separation? The fans! I was interesting to see how the fans were reacting to losing Spider-Man and it was clearly a rough and dar time for them. But, according to Feige, he doesn’t anticipate the fans having to go through that emotional rollercoaster again. He said:
“I don't anticipate us going through that emotional rollercoaster, or putting fans through that emotional rollercoaster, again."
Does that mean that Spider-Man is now in the MCU to stay? Does it mean that Sony and Marvel have worked out a long term partnership with Spider-Man? Or, does that mean when Marvel does Loose Spider-Man again, there will be a smooth transition that ends his time in the MCU? Most people and fan site are saying that it means Spider-Man is in the MCU to stay, and while I hope that’s the case, I’m not so sure. We’ll have to wait and see.
Spider-Man actor Tom Holland also talked about his involvement in bringing the two sides to come to an agreement, saying:
"From a business point of view, I wasn't instrumental at all. People seem to think I suddenly went to law school and singlehandedly struck up a deal between Sony and Disney. Essentially, all I did was show both parties how passionate I was about this character. I basically said, 'Look, if there's a world where you can fix this, it will be so much better for the character, and for me, and for the fans. So if you can fix it, fix it.'"
It is great that Marvel and Sony ended up being able to fix it. We’ll just have to wait and see if that fix extends beyond the two films that the initial deal entails. What are your thoughts on what Feige had to say here?
Via: The Direct