Kevin Feige is Now Planning For MCU Films Through 2025; AVENGERS 4 Title Will "Speak To The Heart of the Story"
As Avengers: Infinity War is blowing up in theaters Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige is already starting to plan for all the MCU film that will be released through 2025! We have no idea what to expect from this line-up of films, but its said that Marvel will reveal their next phase of films at Comic-Con 2019 after Avengers 4 comes out. When talking to AP News, Feige said:
"We’re always thinking ahead. Just when people think they can pin us down, we go somewhere else and that’s going to happen again after ‘Infinity War’ in the build-up to the next Avengers film. And we had meetings earlier today about 2024 and 2025."
That's seven years of Marvel films that are being planned and I doubt that it is going to stop or slow down after that because they are good at what they do. Marvel will just keep planning and making movies for the fans to enjoy for years to come. Hopefully, some of those films will include the X-Men and Fantastic Four. As of right now, Marvel has several release dates for films through 2022.
In a separate interview with Bustle, the Russo Bros. talked a little bit about the title of Avengers 4, which fans are eagerly awaiting. Especially after the events of Avengers: Infinity War unfolded. There is a title for the movie, but they won't reveal it because it's been said to be a spoiler. When talking about the title the directors said:
"We do have a name for it, we’re just not announcing it … and I think we came to that name fairly early in the development process. It speaks to the heart of the story."
According to the screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, while talking to THR, Avengers 4 will be "better" and "bigger" than anything we just saw in Infinity War. There's a good chance that the event so that movie will be even more devastating than Infinity War.
Yeah, I'm sure that some characters who died in Infinity War will come back, but in the process, there are going to be more characters that die in Avengers 4 who won't come back. In the end, the MCU will drastically be changed, which is what Kevin Feige has been telling us for months.
What Marvel films to you hope to see get made over the next seven years!?