Kevin Smith Responds To Fans Who Criticize His Recent Work and Say He Doesn't Make Good Movies Anymore

Back in the early 90s, Kevin Smith was one of Hollywood’s hottest up-and-coming filmmakers. He made some seriously great films in that time, films that spoke to young people, and he managed to build a pretty solid fan-base and following.

Well, in recent years, those fans have started to turn on Smith. Many of them don’t like the new films that he’s been making in recent years. Many of his new films have been criticized and some fans just don’t think that he makes good movies anymore.

Smith has now responded to those fans in a recent Tweet he posted after a fan said that Kevin Smith hasn’t been the same since Clerks 2. Here’s the response:

I really like what he says here as it’s something I can relate to. In the end, all that matters is that Smith is happy with his life, his family, and the films that he makes. Even if people don’t care for those films, he’s happy with them and stands by the choices he’s made in developing them.

I still enjoy the movies that Smith makes. I like that he has done some very strange and different things. He’s made films that are out of the box and unique. He’s been trying new things over the years. They’ve been hit and miss for me, but at least he’s doing what he loves and trying out new things in the process.

What do you think about Smith’s response to fans who come down on him for his recent work?

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