KING OF TOKYO and KING OF NEW YORK Are Getting a New Expansion

King of Tokyo and King of New York are really fun games from IELLO. The core mechanic for both is rolling dice to get different effects, but the two games are very different. However, thanks to expansions, you can move the characters from one to the other. Well now, a new expansion has been announced for the series called King of Tokyo Monster Pack #4 Cybertooth.

This expansion introduces a new monster called Cybertooth and a new mechanic called the Berserk die. If you roll at least 4 claws, you can become Berserk and add the Berserk die to your pool, and it’s always nice to have an extra die in these games. Be careful though since you lose your Berserk token if you heal.

Cybertooth will also have an interesting ability where it can change from Biped Form to Beast Form and vice versa for different effects. In Beast Form, Cybertooth can reroll one die one extra time, but you’re unable to purchase any Power cards. In Biped Form, Cybertooth is basically a normal monster. This transformation though can only happen if you’re playing a game with Evolution cards.

In this expansion, you get everything you need for Cybertooth including two cardboard figures and eight Evolution cards for each King of game as well as the Berserk die and six Berserk tokens. You can find information such as where to purchase Cybertooth from IELLO’s site. You can also already read the new rules thanks to them.

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