KLIK KLIK BOOM from Image Comics Will Follow a Mute Assassin Out for Revenge

Doug Wagner (Plastic) and artist Doug Dabbs (The Ride: Burning Desire) are teaming up once more and bringing in colorist Matt Wilson and letterer Ed Dukeshire for a new revenge comic. The comic is called Klik Klik Boom and will be a 5-issue miniseries releasing through Image Comics. We’ll get to follow a mute assassin who uses polaroids to communicate and that already sounds interesting.

In Klik Klik Boom, readers meet Sprout, a mute assassin who communicates exclusively through polaroid pictures. After being raised by her doomsday-prepping grandfather in the rolling hills of Idaho, Sprout has grown up with little exposure to other people, TV, or seen clothes outside of Army fatigues. Now she’s headed to the big lights of New York City to avenge her grandfather’s murder, but will the city’s mesmerizing glitz and glam help her succeed—or be the death of her?

Talking about the series, Wagner said:

I can’t wait for everyone to see the insanity Doug, Matt, Ed, and I cooked up for this book. When this was all starting to stew, I told Doug Dabbs the muses were speaking to me about mixing movies like Fargo and The Fifth Element with the artistic inspirations of Robert Valley and Bengal. I wanted to try to find this balance between the old and the new, between neon cyberpunk and crime noir, and wrap all of that in a modern day action tour de force tortilla. The team didn’t let me down.

Dabbs shared:

I knew after working with Doug on The Ride: Burning Desire that there was a creative chemistry that had to be explored more. With Klik Klik Boom, Doug blew me away with his scripts and we ended up creating a story that’s so different, unexpected, and fun. Working with Matt and Ed was surreal, as they brought their god-level talents to the story. Our main character, Sprout, is a someone people haven’t seen before in any media. I can’t wait for people to meet her and see what we created!

You can read Klik Klik Boom #1 from your local comic shops or wherever you like to buy comics on June 21. Will you be following Sprout’s story?

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