Leigh Whannell Wants To Make a Sequel To UPGRADE with a Bigger Budget

Director Leigh Whannell’s 2018 sci-fi action film Upgrade was an awesome film that ended up being kind of a surprise hit. I loved it, it was a blast to watch, and the filmmaker wants to make a sequel- a sequel that I would gladly watch.

During a recent interview with Fandom, Whannell explained that he would love to make a sequel, especially if he had more money to play with. When asked about it, he said:

"We'll see. A sequel is a champagne problem created by the success of a movie. So Hollywood economics dictates whether there's going to be a sequel, and Upgrade ... I wouldn't exactly call it a monster hit. I'd call it a cult hit, and cult hits, when they look at the books of cult hits, they're like 'Nyah, sequel'. So we'll see. I loved making that film, so I'd love to do it with a bit more money."

Jason Blum, who was a producer on Upgrade is also up for producing a sequel, saying:

"I would love an Upgrade sequel. I will say that we haven't put it to bed yet. We have no immediate plans, but Upgrade is very much on my mind, and on Leigh's mind as well."

So, who knows. Maybe one day we will actually get a sequel to Upgrade! I hope that we do! For those of you who haven’t seen Upgrade yet, you need to check it out. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

If you have seen Upgrade, are you excited about potentially seeing a sequel?

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