Rogue Voice Actress Lenore Zann Guests on the Latest Episode of X-READS PODCAST
In less than a week, fans will be able to once again enjoy X-Men the Animated Series thanks to Disney+. If you’re looking for more X-Men fun though, you may want to check out the X-Reads Podcast hosted by Chandler Poling and Chris Riley. Their latest episode features Lenore Zann who fans will recognize for her role as Rogue from X-Men the Animated Series! As part of the podcast, Zann even performs new lines as Rogue.
In addition to talking with Zann, Poling and Riley will be recapping Uncanny X-Men #173.
“Chandler Poling & Chris Riley have been friends for well over a decade and share a fondness for the X-Men, but also have things to say about the early years. Together they read through old issues of Uncanny X-Men recapping the storyline so listeners can follow along, while interjecting comments and opinions on the outfits, the questionable dialog, the often odd advertising moments and living for the X-Mail fan letters in the back of the issue. That is what X-Reads is all about. A strong read.”
You can listen to the latest episode of X-Reads Podcast now on Apple Podcasts, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, and most other podcast apps.