Leonard Nimoy's Spock Ears Now Have a Home at The Smithsonian

Leonard Nimoy’s Spock ears from the original Star Trek animated series have a new home at The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, where they will join their collection. The rubber prosthetic ear tips were donated to the museum and will be put on public display.

They join several other cool items of film and memorabilia that are on display in various Smithsonian museums, including Judy Garland’s Ruby Slippers, one of the R2-D2 droids from Return of the Jedi, Harrison Ford’s coat from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and more!

Spock’s ear tips were donated by Nimoy's family, and his son Adam, who gave the following statement:

"When he finished filming the original 'Star Trek' series in 1969, my father brought home a small memento to commemorate his three years of dedicated work on the original series: A pair of Spock's Vulcan ears. Mounted in a black box, those ears have been in our family for over fifty years as a tribute to dad's outstanding performances as Mr. Spock, and the inspiration and hope that 'Star Trek' has given to generations of fans all over this planet.

"Today it's my honor to donate the iconic Spock ears to the National Air and Space Museum, where they can be experienced by visitors firsthand. The donation honors Beit T'Shuvah and the Leonard Nimoy COPD Research Fund at UCLA. Two organizations supported by our family and dedicated to the Vulcan salutation of long life and prosperity."

You can watch a video below that features the ear tips being unboxed:

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