Let Your D&D Group Travel Through Time with THE CHRONOMANCER'S GUIDE TO THE FUTURE — GeekTyrant

Let Your D&D Group Travel Through Time with THE CHRONOMANCER'S GUIDE TO THE FUTURE

Have you ever wanted to play a more futuristic RPG using the mechanics of Dungeons & Dragons? Maybe you like the idea of D&D characters traveling through time. Well, either way, Haggard Clint’s unofficial supplement, The Chronomancer’s Guide to the Future is something you’ll want to look at. This supplement includes rules for time travel as well as things to consider about the world you build and how it may change. This is a well thought out supplement for anyone who wants time travel to be involved. In addition to information about building a world and working with time travel, there are new character options available including the Android race, new subraces, subclasses, and new backgrounds.

The Chronomancer’s Guide to the Future is the essential reference for every Fifth Edition roleplayer who wants to time travel to and play in an incredible cyberpunk future. It contains rules for time traveling, crafting advanced machinery, new backgrounds, feats and skills, modern exploration and combat, equipment, spells, and much more. This guide immerses you in a world of futuristic adventure. Explore digital cyberspaces and deadly alleys. Battle robotic monsters while searching for legendary relics of old. Gain experience and power as you trek across time and space with your companions.

You can purchase The Chronomancer’s Guide to the Future over at DriveThru RPG for $19.95 (currently on sale for $14.95).

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