Let's Talk About ALIENATED #1

When I first heard about the new sci-fi thriller comic series Alienated from writer Simon Spurrier and artist Chris Wildgoose, I was intrigued. Now that I’ve read it, I’m totally in. This looks to be a very interesting series, and we only have the first issue. If you haven’t read it yet, you can purchase it from your favorite comic location including comiXology.

The issue starts by giving us a glimpse into each of the three main characters’ lives (Samuel, Samantha, and Samir), and they all interact with Leon who appears to be a terrible person. At first, he seems to just be grumpy and upset because no one likes him, but later pages have me think he’s just a piece of work. It is cool how not only do we see what they see, but we also get a look at what they’re thinking so we can see what they’re really like. To be honest though, Samir and Samuel kind of annoy me. Samir is that guy you knew in high school who wanted to be everyone’s friend, and Samuel is the kid who said everyone’s sheep.

Well, eventually the three teenagers with attitude (oh, sorry, wrong series) stumble across some alien-like egg hanging from a tree and when they go to touch it, it somehow connects their brains. This is when things started getting interesting to me. You have two teenage boys and a teenage girl with some kind of mind link. Yeah, there’s no way that can go wrong. Well, this also helps us understand the characters a bit more like apparently Samir has some real problems at home with his dad. We then see them going through their school day, but now they can share thoughts.

At one point, Samir tells Leon to come to the forest and check out this egg-like thing they found and Samuel and Samantha don’t seem happy about this. I was surprised and not surprised when Samantha talked about how she kind of likes this new mind link. Well, Leon is there and tries to break the egg, but eventually, all three Sams think, “Stop!” and Leon vaporizes or something. It’s got to be pretty traumatizing to see this. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure if Leon was going to die or somehow get connected to the other three and we would then learn his life is really tragic. That would’ve ruined the whole Sam thing though.

At the very end, we see this weird alien creature show up that looks part animal and part construct.

I cannot wait to read Alienated #2! I ended up really loving this issue and I want to learn more about what this thing is and I’m interested in what hijinks the Sams will get into with their telepathic powers.

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