A new Power Rangers comic series has started with Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn #1. I saw it started, but one could argue that it is just a continuation of Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer #1, but that’s besides the point. The story is written by Anthony Burch with art by Simone Ragazzoni, and it’s fantastic. If you haven’t read it yet, you can purchase a copy from your local comic shop or through digital retailers like comiXology.
This is a great follow-up to Ranger Slayer #1. We get to see how Kim deals with being in charge after taking over for Drakkon. She has to figure out how to deal with people who aren’t exactly the happiest about the way things are going, viewing her as just a new Drakkon. In response, Kim leads her forces to a super high-grade prison Drakkon had set up. While there, Kim finds a mysterious prisoner who she knocks out to bring back to the palace. There are a few things I want to discuss here.
First, I’m surprised that as the comic goes, I’m becoming less convinced of my original assumption that Scorpina and Finster-5 were going to stab Kim in the back. They actually seem pretty loyal to her (although Scorpina still seems to begrudgingly like her). I also enjoyed the interactions between Scorpina and Adam. Are they trying to build something there? That’s pretty cute.
Next, this mystery prisoner. No one knows who they are other than some mysterious Ranger in a metal suit that kind of reminds me of Iron Man’s first suit. My guess is that this is Jason. Jason and Tommy always had a rivalry, and I could definitely see Jason being Drakkon’s largest thorn. I’m really intrigued to see how this progresses, and I’m saddened to learn about the torture they went through.
Finally, it looks like we got a look at the main villains for this story. There are some upgraded Quantrons and a genderbent Ecliptor. Now, I say genderbent, but I’m wondering if it’s like a fusion of Ecliptor and Astronema or something else. This villain is surely going to give Kim and her allies a splitting headache.
I’m really excited to see how this story progresses. What did you think of Drakkon New Dawn #1?