Let's Talk About SEVEN SECRETS #6
The sixth issue of Seven Secrets is out now from Tom Taylor and Daniele Di Nicuolo. I personally am enjoying this crazy series and hope you are enjoying it. You can grab physical copies of Seven Secrets #6 from your local comic store or digital copies through outlets like comiXology (affiliate link).
To save The Order and everyone he loves, Caspar must leave everything he’s ever known behind. But even with his sacrifice, will Amon get his hands on the Secrets once and for all?
Picking up where the preview left off, we see the Keepers start to put up a pretty good fight. They’re able to do some damage to the Seekers, but in the end, they’re just outnumbered and outgunned. There’s no hope for them. Gareth dies and we learn that he and Tajana were lovers which is not all that surprising.
The Seekers finally bust into the fortress and are able to steal the first Secret from Canto. Tajana has Radha open the third Secret which apparently opens a gateway to another world or something and the surviving Holders and Keepers go in while Tajana holds the Seekers back. I didn’t know what to expect was inside the briefcases, but I was not expecting a gateway to another dimension. Eventually, the Seekers open the first Secret and it looks like we get an Ark of the Covenant moment from Raiders of the Lost Ark. All we know for sure is Tajana yells about Atlantis and then calls them “ignorant, selfish idiots.”
Inside the third Secret, everyone starts heading down Rainbow Road except Caspar who gets drawn away from the path despite the direct orders to only pay attention to the path. Eventually, the group realize that Caspar is missing and Faolan and Eva go back to find him. Where is Caspar? Well, he is with some weird alien-like entities who imply that Caspar is not who he thinks he is. They say he belongs here and that he can fly. I honestly am not sure if this is a thing where they’re being honest and it’s going to be a trip of a backstory or if this is all some weird illusion thing by the third Secret. The next issue is called “A Secret Past” so I’m leaning towards the former.