Let's Talk About That Creepy, Awkward Kiss in SUICIDE SQUAD

As you all know, I enjoyed the hell out of Suicide Squad. I thought it was an incredibly fun film, but there was one part in the movie that just felt really awkward and out of place to me. I wanted to wait awhile to talk about this scene so that most fans could have a chance to see the movie, and I thought now would be a good time as any to talk about it. 

The scene in question takes place early on in the film after Joker and Harley Quinn are being chased down by Batman. The Joker drives his sports car into a body of water and Batman dives in to save Harley Quinn, who smashed through the windshield. When Batman gets to Harley underwater, she whips out a knife and starts slashing at him. Batman quickly punches her in the face and knocks her out.

Batman pulls her out of the water and lays her unconscious body on his Batmobile. He checks her out for a second, then things get very awkward and feel completely out of place. To me it looked like Batman went in for a creepy kiss. I saw the movie a second time just so I could see if it was a kiss or if it was CPR, and I'm not fully convinced it was CPR.

I guess Batman could have gone in to give her CPR. I believe he did check her pulse, but there were no chest compressions given to resuscitate her and it seriously didn’t look like any kind of CPR that I’ve ever seen! She didn't cough up water or anything when he was done, and he didn't check to see if she was breathing after he did it. But if that's really what happened, maybe, just maybe, when he went in to give her mouth to mouth, Harley was faking and she was the one who actually kissed him because there were some smooching sounds. But I imagine if that was the case, it would have looked a lot more like this:


Now if he did kiss her, it doesn't make any sense why he would do that. Is Batman a horndog looking to get action from an unconscious women? Because that’s not a very superhero-like thing to do. 

There’s been no explanation as to what that moment was. I'm not convinced it was CPR, though. If it was a kiss, it serves no purpose to the story. Was there some kind of background between the characters that we don’t know about? Was Batman doing it in hopes The Joker was watching so he could piss him off? I don’t know! 

I thought Harley Quinn’s character was handled perfectly in the film. Margot Robbie was Harley Quinn. But with Batman, even though he is a morally grey hero, that kiss seems out of character for him. Now we were previously told that this version of Batman was seen from the point of view of the villains. So is that how Harley Quinn viewed Batman? Is the kiss something that she would have liked Batman to do? Was it just a story she just tells? Was the flashback a real story or was it a story that was passed down of how Batman caught Harley Quinn, kind of like the telephone game of how stories and information change as they are passed down from one person to another?

Nothing is made clear and that’s this whole point of this article. I’m just throwing out ideas and speculation here and I just wanted to get your thoughts on this whole thing. What do you all think went down during that awkward moment? I'm legitimately asking: was it a kiss or was it the poorest attempt at CPR in the history of film?

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