Life-Size LEGO Car Powered by LEGO Engine
This is hands down the greatest and most impressive LEGO build ever. It's a life-size car built out of 500,000 LEGOs, and it has an engine built out of LEGOs that actually works! The engine is fueled by compressed air, and it powers 256 LEGO pistons and can allegedly reach speeds up to 20MPH. The car was built by a 20-year-old Romanian named Raul Oaida, and it's incredibly awesome!
Thanks to Geekologie! The Super Awesome Micro Project: A full sized Lego car, with an engine made from Lego that runs on air. It is the brainchild of Melbourne entrepreneur and marketing guy Steve Sammartino (twitter @sammartino) and Raul Oaida (twitter @rauloaida), a self-taught teenage technology genius from Romania who Steve met on the internet.