List: The 5 Coolest Official N64 Console Variations!

The Nintendo 64 is going on 21 years since its original 1996 release date here in North America.  This year also marks the 20th anniversary for many of the systems ground breaking games such as GOLDENEYE 007 and STAR FOX 64.  Even though the original N64 launched in a charcoal color Nintendo wasn’t going to let the N64 suffer the same fate as its two previous consoles and be bound to just that color forever.  Like Apple did with their iMac G3 line of computers Nintendo was going to go all out with fun color variations for fans to enjoy!  Today we are going to look back at the five coolest N64 color variations. 

Special Thanks to our friends from for providing us with these high-quality photos!

5. Jungle Green

This console will forever be remembered in my mind as the DONKEY KONG 64 N64.  It was bundled with the game and an Expansion Pak at one point in time.

4. Ice Blue

This guy just looks so cool!  When this one came out I wanted it so bad but since I already had the original N64 I never took the plunge.

Bonus Entry Clear Blue/White

Ok I am cheating here but if you liked the Ice Blue N64 Japan got it kicked up a notch with this exclusive Clear Blue/White version!  I liked this one so much that I ended up buying one last week!

3. Watermelon Red

Don’t let the pink fool you, this thing looks sexy in person!  This also happens to be one of the rarer models of N64.

2. Gold

Ok seriously who doesn’t want a Gold N64?  I mean come on, you can play The Man with the Golden Gun on GOLDENEYE 007.  Or you can throw in your Gold colored copy of OCARINA OF TIME and MAJAORA’s MASK!  Don’t you want to impress your friends?!

1. Pikachu Edition

While every color of N64 featured on this list is all the same shape, the Pikachu Edition changes the design a bit.  The right side of the system is slightly elongated to allow a massive Pikachu to be molded to the console.  A poke ball has also replaced the traditional power switch and Pikachu’s left foot serves as reset.  The best alteration though is that when the unit is powered on Pikachu’s cheeks glow red instead of a tiny power indicator on the front of the unit!

While this article has shown only six different variations of the N64 console, 25 are currently known to exist worldwide.  Due to the time and release of these colored consoles some have become quite rare.  If you are interested in learning more about the different variations check out our friends from who preserve the history of not only these units but many other systems as well!  Did you own or still own any of these N64 units featured today?  Leave a comment below and check back soon for our look back on the 5 rarest N64 games!

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