Listen to Miku Hatsune Kinda Sing The Imperial March
Miku Hatsune is an animated Japanese pop star and back in about 2014, Korg released an effect for guitars so they could sound like Miku was singing. There are tons of videos on the internet highlighting how ridiculously awesome that can be. Here’s one of those videos. The guys at Andertons Music Co put together this video that features a guy in a robe and Kylo Ren mask playing “The Imperial March” on a Star Wars guitar. The player uses the Miku pedal to make it sound like Miku is singing the iconic theme song of Darth Vader, but then Miku goes away and we’re given a couple seconds of shredding. The playing starts around 1:50 and let us know which half of the song you preferred: Miku or Shred.