Lou Ferrigno Will Play a Murderous, Cannibalistic Pig Farmer in THE HERMIT
The Incredible Hulk series star Lou Ferrigno is set to play a murderous, cannibalistic pig farmer in an upcoming horror film project titled The Hermit. This sounds like a fun and twisted project for Ferrigno, whose character will be making and selling jerky made of human flesh. The plot kind of reminds me of the 1980 horror movie Motel Hell.
It’s pretty great that Ferrigno is jumping into the horror genre. It’s pretty crazy that he hasn’t done more horror films over the course of his career. In regards to that, Ferrigno said:
“Most people are surprised that I’ve never really entered the horror space before now. When I was a kid I was fascinated with the monsters of the time like Dracula and Frankenstein. So I am really excited and honored to be working with such a great team on something that will for sure excite fans. The character I am playing is unique and will give an updated twist to those monsters I grew up with.”
Italian director Salvatore Sclafani will helm the film and this will be his first English-language feature film. Gerry Pass is producing the movie and he talked about the story saying that the other characters in the story include “Eric and Lisa, who are both 19. On a fishing trip they go to a resort, venture off trail, stumble across a farm, go in, see animal heads hanging from the wall, and in comes the Hermit, the giant that runs the place.”
He went on to say, “The Hermit’s story is that he’s been a loner, His mother protected him; kept him in the forest. He doesn’t speak well, because they are kind of feral people. Once, after being attacked, the Hermit kills his attacker. Since the family business is making jerky, the mother ends up cooking this person into the jerky with the pigs. Then, after the mother dies, trapping people, killing them and making them into jerky becomes a recurrent act on the Hermit’s part.”
Pass noted that Ferrigno has a hearing impairment “so he knows exactly what it feels like to be treated differently by other people. He understands the angst and the anger. And then he likes the cooking people part too.”
I’ll be looking forward to watching this! It sounds like it’ll be a great film project for Ferrigno.
Source: Variety