Lucasfilm Creative Executive Officially Rejects Major STAR WARS Fan Theory

Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers!

Lucasfilm Story Group Creative Executive (long title) Pablo Hidalgo just dropped a spoiler that dispels a major fan theory about the true identity of Supreme Leader Snoke:

Not that it does much good now, but I never thought that was who Snoke was. It seemed a little too on the nose and too close to extended universe canon, which is no longer actual canon. I mean it's not like my theory that Snoke is of the same species as Yoda, but it does make me feel a bit more vindicated knowing that NO ONE knows who Snoke is yet.

Straight from not THE horse's mouth, but A horse's mouth nonetheless. Do you buy it? Are you still in denial? Remember, Andy Serkis also denied that Snoke was Plagueis earlier this year.

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