Man Performs ASSASSIN'S CREED-Style Leap of Faith Off A 100-Foot Building While On Fire
In the video game Assassin's Creed, your character can swan dive from impossible heights and always survive the fall if he lands in a bale or cart of hay. It's called a "Leap of Faith." Well, if you replace the hay with snow and add fire to the mix, you'll have a good idea of what this insane real-life stunt looks like. This is one of the craziest things I've seen in a long time. Kotaku points us to two videos of a Russian man named Alexandr Chernikov who performed his own flaming version of the leap of faith. Wow.
There are two videos with two different angles of the fall, so anyone who might think this is some sort of hoax can examine the two videos for themselves. I don't speak Russian so I can't know for sure, but I'm shocked he didn't break any bones after a tumble like that. He looks to be OK, which is pretty damn impressive after leaping off a building that's 30 meters (98 feet) tall.