Manitowoc County Sheriff Says MAKING A MURDERER Is a Movie...Not a Documentary
* This post contains spoilers for the Netflix series Making A Murderer...if you haven't seen it yet GO WATCH IT*
I swear, anywhere I go nowadays if people aren't discussing Star Wars, they're talking about Making A Murderer. The decade-spanning Netflix documentary about Steven Avery, a man accused of murder seemingly denied a fair trial has exploded into the mainstream. Petitions have sprung up requesting a pardon from the president with over 200k signatures, Free Steven Avery shirts are circulating the web, and people are calling for serious reform of our court justice system. But even with all the people who are loving the documentary, there is one camp who hates it especially: the people who look bad in it.
Ken Kratz, the disgraced former prosecutor against Avery spoke out, saying much of the case that really condemned Avery was left out of the documentary, and now the Manitowoc County Sheriff's office is echoing those complaints about the doc's validity. Current sheriff Robert Hermann spoke with Time Magazine and said he feels MAM is a movie rather than factual documentary...
“I won’t call it a documentary, because a documentary puts things in chronological order and tells the story as it is,”
Hermann said he hasn't seen the film, which would not be the first time the department has spoken without first reviewing evidence. That being said, I know how reality television and shows of the like can really coax you into seeing someone exactly the way they want you to. Regardless of his innocence or not, one thing that is abundantly clear is that Steven Avery did not receive a fair trial in the court, and I think that's the point every person critical of the film has missed! The presumption of innocence in a court of law is a right of every American citizen, and this documentary proved that this fact is simply not true in some cases.