Mark Hamill Discussed the Greatest Joy and the Greatest Difficulty Being Involved with STAR WARS

An old interview with Mark Hamill from 1988 recently resurfaced, and in it, he talks about his life, acting career, and Star Wars. There’s a lot of interesting stuff, so I’ve been going through it and thought it would be fun to share a few things.

One thing that Hamill was asked in the interview regarding being part of such a huge franchise like Star Wars, was what the greatest joy and the greatest difficulty had been for him being involved with it. His answer came ten years after the first movie has been released, so he had some time to reflect, but it was also still a pretty fresh feeling for him. He first talked about the difficult aspect of shooting the films:

“The biggest difficulty or problem is trying to remember the scope of the thing and where you fit in. Also, the movie was so technical in the sense that so much of it was dubbed and looped because of sound problems that it was difficult to go back into the studio and make it sound as natural as when you did it on the set.”

Yeah, that sounds like it would be kind of a pain in the ass to do, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get the film done! As for the joys of being involved with Star Wars, it was all about the kids! He explained:

“On the other hand, one of the greatest joys is the way that kids have taken it to their hearts. Young people just find it so magical. It surprises me because there are kids who weren’t even born other films like that such as The Wizard of Oz that have this kind of cult following but it is really staggering.”

That definitely something we can all relate to. The first Star Wars movie I saw as a kid was Return of the Jedi at the drive-in theater and there are still flashes of memories from that in my head like the Speeders racing through the forest on Endor. I remember watching that as a kid and just thinking it was the coolest thing ever! That’s the movie that hooked me on Star Wars, and it has never let go. It’s amazing how a film like that has that kind of power. Hamill went on to say:

“You forget about it and then you’re suddenly confronted by it. You know, I’ll drop my kid off at school and something will happen and I realize, ‘Yeah, even to this day still has an impact.’ And that surprises me because I haven’t seen the films in a long time. But when I walk into a video store and there it is on a big screen, it’s really kind of startling. It really doesn’t seem that long ago and yet you look at yourself and say, ‘Gee, did I ever look like that?’ It’s like looking at old high school pictures.”

And the franchise is still going strong all these years later! It definitely left a lasting impact! Now other filmmakers are continuing what George Lucas started. Some of them are doing great things that the fans are loving! Some are doing things that give fans something to complain about.

Via: StarWarsNews

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