Mark Hamill Tells Us About Alternate Ending to THE FORCE AWAKENS
Last month, Star Wars: The Last Jedi hit theaters and ever since people have been arguing about everything in that movie. Also, now that it’s out, people have started speculating about Episode IX. Well, let’s go back and revisit the start of the new trilogy, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. CBM. has reported that Mark Hamill has shared an alternate ending for The Force Awakens that changed to what we saw due to the vision Rian Johnson had for The Last Jedi:
“When we were doing [The Force Awakens], Rian said, ‘Oh and by the way we might have a couple of boulders floating to show your Force emanating’, so I was led to believe that I still had the Force and it was really strong in me. When I read [The Last Jedi] before 7 came out, I said ‘what?” and called J.J. or Rian to say, ‘Are you guys aware of this? Have you seen a cut? Is there floating boulders?’ And they said, ‘No, we caught that and we worked it all out’.”
If you haven’t seen The Last Jedi yet, you may wonder why they had to change it, so go watch it already! For those who have seen it, you understand fully the reasoning behind why the scene had to be changed.