Mark Hamill Thinks That Lucasfilm Should Slow Down With the STAR WARS Movies
When Disney first acquired Lucasfilm, their plan was to build up the Star Wars franchise to a place where they would be able to release two or three Star Wars films a year just like Marvel is doing. The studio is now in the position where they are doing that and Mark Hamill thinks that it's not the way to go. He thinks that Lucasfilm should slow down a little so that that don't over-saturate it. During a recent interview with CinemaBlend, he says:
"I will say they should pace themselves, because you don't want to over-saturate it. I said to Disney, 'Really? Five months after we come out comes [Solo: A Star Wars Story]? Can't you at least wait until Christmas?' But they've got things booked - they're doing Marvel and their own movies, so that's beyond my [purview.]"
I do think he makes a good point here, but Marvel is seeing a lot of success with releasing two to three films a year and the fans are clamoring for more. Disney and Lucasfilm obviously want that kind of success for Star Wars. However, that success hinges on how good the movies they make are. I honestly don't mind getting at least two Star Wars films a year. I love the franchise and I love what they've delivered so far, so if they can keep it up... I'm game!
Rian Johnson and the creators of the Game of Thrones series, D.B. Weiss and David Benioff, are both in the process of developing separate trilogies, and I'm super excited to see how those turn out! We also know that on top of Episode IX, Lucasfilm is said to be developing a Boba Fett film and an Obi-Wan Kenobi film. Who knows what else they are quietly working on.
Hamill goes on to explain that he believes that there really aren't any limitations to the kind of narratives that can be set within the Star Wars universe:
"Well, there shouldn't be [a limit to the storytelling], as it's a canvas that's so infinite. With the standalone films they can all have their own identity. Rogue One can be gritty, and like a war film... I'm assuming, I don't know, but I would assume that Solo will be more comedic-ly oriented because he's a rogue, a scoundrel, and a gambler, and a womanizer and all those things. So I think the advantage of the standalone films is that they don't have to follow the formula of a trilogy, so they can establish their premise, get it on, get it done and get out leaving the audience wanting more. So there's infinite possibilities."
What do you think about how Lucasfilm is handling the Star Wars franchise? How many Star Wars movies would you like to see released per year?