Mark Ruffalo Reveals That Hulk Was Almost Killed Off in AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR

It sounds like Avengers: Infinity War almost had another big casualty. Mark Ruffalo recently shared that Bruce Banner a.k.a. Hulk was nearly a victim of The Snap, which obliterated half of the living beings in the universe.

While talking to Yahoo, Ruffalo said that he didn’t know what Banner’s true fate was going to be until he saw the movie. He explained:

“For one take, I did disappear, and then the other one I didn’t. I was pretty sure it was gonna be me. It’s like Survivor. It’s like, who’s gonna get kicked off the island? And I probably should’ve. … It’s like Project Runway for leakers.”

Well, I am happy to learn that he didn’t die and that the original core six Avengers survived to fight another day. Director Joe Russo previously talked about the surviving members of the team and said that “there’s a reason that the original six Avengers survived.”

What is the reason that Captain America (Chris Evans), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Banner survived Thanos? We’ll eventually find out, but they are obviously the only ones who have what it takes to fix everything. The Russo’s previously told CB:

“All of our choices are based on story. It’s based upon the road that these characters have traveled, in not only this movie, but throughout the entire MCU up to this point because, again, these movies are the culmination. So all we can say is that they are very focused story choices. That’s our motivation for everything. And, again, that’s why we love Marvel so much is they never let the tail wag the dog. The creative choices always lead the process and then they figure out how to pull off the miracle of making it work on a business level.”

Why do you all think the original six team members survived? For what purpose?

Avengers: Endgame opens April 26.

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