Mark Ruffalo Talks About Hulk's Epic Story Arc in THOR: RAGNAROK
Earlier this week, we heard a rumor that Thor: Ragnarok could possibly tie into a Planet Hulk-type storyline. That has yet to be confirmed, but if it's true, it would be awesome! During a recent interview with Yahoo, Mark Ruffalo shot down the idea of a solo Hulk film again but reveals that Hulk's epic story arc will play out through Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War parts 1 and 2. When asked if there would be a solo Hulk film, Ruffalo said:
“I’d love to do a Hulk movie, but that’s beyond my control. It’s controlled by Universal [Pictures]. Marvel doesn’t even hold the rights to it. So, it’s not on the horizon. And I don’t know if it will be. But we have worked a really interesting arc into Thor 3, Avengers 3 and 4 for Banner that I think will – when it’s all added up – will feel like a Hulk movie, a standalone movie.”
We already know that part about Universal controlling the rights isn't exactly true, but it's good to know that we'll see Hulk in action in the upcoming Avengers films. That means that Marvel knows exactly where they want Hulk and Bruce Banner to end up at the end of Phase 3. I guess that still means Planet Hulk isn't a solo film. The actor goes on to talk about his enthusiasm for Thor's new director saying:
“Taika Waititi’s coming in and I love him. That’s a surprise and it fits part of this Marvel doing the unexpected, casting the unexpected, and now bringing in the unexpected for writer and director. I’m really interested in where that’s going. They’re writing the script now. I am thinking about it, I’m doing script meetings and stuff so we’re starting to prep it.”
During this very interview, Ruffalo also talked about working with Joss Whedon for the last time in a Marvel film:
“Yeah, he basically told me it was [his last one] and I was like ‘goddamn it, you dragged me in to this world and now you’re abandoning me here.' But they’re doing fine. Joss’ll do fine. I just miss him, and I will miss him. He cracked this character, he obviously cracked the Avengers which was nearly impossible. It was a miracle and he did it so beautifully.”
Even though he's a fan of what Whedon brought to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he's still confident that the Russo brothers will be able to carry that torch:
“I think the Russo brothers are great and I think they’re well positioned to take it on, and I’m happy to be doing it with them, but I’m friends with Joss. He had a hard time making the first one and he had a hard time making this one. I think it’s partially the nature of that beast.”
Ruffalo has been amazing as the Hulk, and I'm curious to see how far Marvel plans on actually taking this character. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok is scheduled to open in theaters on November 3rd, 2017, with Avengers: Infinity War – Part I set to open May 4th, 2018, and Part II on May 3rd, 2019.