Mark Wahlberg Hopes That God Will Forgive Him For Starring in BOOGIE NIGHTS

We've all made some bad choices in our lives that we regret. It's life! It's what we do as human beings. We just have to learn from our mistakes and live with the mistakes that we've made.

Mark Wahlberg has made a lot of mistakes in his acting career. The Happening and the Transformers are a few that just pop into my head, but those aren't the films that he's hoping God will forgive him for. Nope! During a recent interview with the Chicago Tribune, the actor reveals that he hopes God will forgive him for Boogie Nights! He says:

"I just always hope that God is a movie fan and also forgiving, because I've made some poor choices in my past. Boogie Nights is up there at the top of the list."

I can understand that to an extent because of the film's subject matter. Hell, he previously said that he was hesitant about taking the gig in the first place, saying:

"I wouldn't even read the script because I was turned off by the subject matter. Then you start hearing from everybody in town, 'No, no, you have to read this thing.'"

So, it sounds like he was peer pressured into taking the gig! The crazy thing is, Dirk Diggler is one of his best performances and it launched his career to a new level because people actually started taking him seriously after he made the film. That movie was such an important film in his career. It paved the way to films such as Three KingsThe Perfect Storm, and his Oscar-nominated performance in The Departed.

If he didn't do Boogie Nights, do you think he would be the big star that he is today? I think he would've still found his path, but it might have ended up being a lot different. What do you think about all this?

Via: Cinemablend

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