Marvel and Sony's Mandatory Character Traits For Spider-Man Revealed

Wikileaks has posted a ton of new leaked e-mails from Sony Pictures, and the Gawker web site came across some info that I though was incredibly interesting, and it involves the type of character that Spider-Man/Peter Parker has to be in the Marvel and Sony films that he appears in. This is all part of a legal licensing agreement, and it lists several "mandatory" character traits for Spider-Man and Peter Parker that include the following:

These are sure to raise some eyebrows, especially that fact that Spider-Man has to be white and straight. But it's Peter Parker we're talking about here, so it makes sense that they'd keep all of his main character traits from the comics. It is interesting, though, that they had to include those things in the legal document. I guess they're just covering all their bases.

Look, I'm just freakin' excited that Spider-Man is going to finally team up with the Avengers in the MCU!

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