Marvel Had Full Control Over Daredevil's Look in SHE-HULK: ATTORNEY AT LAW

We still have yet to see Charlie Cox’s Daredevil appear in She-Hulk: Attorney At Law as only one episode has been released — which was a lot of fun! — but we know he’s coming, he’s sporting his yellow suit, and it gives us something to look forward to. We’ve only got a quick glimpse at Daredevil sporting his new costume, but I like it!

It turns out that Daredevil’s look in the series wasn't up to the executive producers or the creative team of the series. It was Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige that had full control over his look. During a recent interview, Head Writer Jessica Gao she explained:

"Usually how they do it is they kind of let us propose what we want to do rather than give us guidelines. When they first told us that [Daredevil] was a possibility we just couldn't believe it. And as we were coming up with story and what we wanted him to do, the fact that they kept not saying no was shocking to us. The one thing that I didn't have control of was the suit. They knew exactly what they wanted the suit to look like."

I imagine that Geo didn’t have any objections to what Marvel was looking to do with Daredevil’s suit. The fact they are going with the classic yellow is a big deal for fans, and it looks great! I wonder if they are going to keep this look for the upcoming series Daredevil: Born Again.

What did you think about the first episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law?

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