Marvel Studios Will Start Spacing Out the Release of Their Films in Phases 5 and 6

As you know, Marvel Studios has been pumping out one film after another, and on top of the movies, they’ve been releasing their Disney+ shows. Some fans have been wanting to see the studios slow it down a bit, focus on developing their stories, and give the films the attention and time that they need to be developed properly because they’ve been starting to look and feel like they are rushed.

According to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, they are actually going to start spacing out their films and putting fewer movies out per year in Phases 5 and 6. During an interview with EW, he said:

“I do think one of the powerful aspects of being at Marvel Studios is having these films and shows hit the zeitgeist. It is harder to hit the zeitgeist when there's so much product out there — and so much "content," as they say, which is a word that I hate. [Laughs] But we want Marvel Studios and the MCU projects to really stand out and stand above. So, people will see that as we get further into Phase 5 and 6. The pace at which we're putting out the Disney+ shows will change so they can each get a chance to shine.”

When asked to specify the pacing, and if he means spacing them out or putting out fewer shows a year, Feige replied, “Both, I think.”

If this is something they actually plan on doing, I really hope to see the quality of the films improve. This is exactly what I think the franchise needs to prevent the superhero movie fatigue that seems to be setting in. Feige previously discussed avoiding superhero movie fatigue explaining:

"[A] way to do that is adapting them into different genres and what types of movies we want to make. And I, from sitting at USC [...] and sitting in Cinema 101 and being exposed to so many different types of film that I said, 'I want to make all of these. I don't want to just make one kind of movie, I want to make all kinds of movies.' And I found that if we tell the story right, and we adapt them in a way that the audience still, knock on wood, so far is following us along 22 plus years later with, that we can tell any types of movies that share two things: the Marvel Studios logo above the title and a seed of an idea from our publishing history."

Now, all they need to do is to keep telling good stories that audiences will enjoy!

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