Marvel TV's Jeph Loeb Recalls Reaction to Netflix Cancellation and Teases Upcoming TV Series, Disney+ Projects, and Marvel Knights
Head of Marvel TV, Jeph Loeb, is a busy guy with a lot on his plate these days. While he is closing a chapter that included Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and my favorite, The Punisher, all at Netflix, as well as the final seasons of Legion and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., he is going into a new phase, with exciting prospects and projects on the horizon.
Loeb sat down with Deadline last month at San Diego Comic-Con and compared Marvel TV to a phoenix rising from what some were assuming to be ashes after the mass exodus of the series listed above. What we know so far is that we’ve got a live-action Ghost Rider in the works, an animated Howard the Duck, the Marvel series coming to the Disney+ streaming service that launches this November with the newly partnered Hulu, and whispers of a brand new series that was rumored throughout last week’s TCA panels.
When asked by Deadline where the future is headed, Loeb replied:
“the next group is the Marvel Street-Level Heroes, or the Marvel Knights, as we sometimes call them here. So, if the Marvel heroes are here to save the universe, the Marvel Street-Level Heroes, the Marvel Knights, often they are just to save themselves, to save the neighborhood.
Some of those appeared on Netflix, but there are others that live in that category, which are still to come.
Then we took a look at the Marvel Universe that was upcoming and we knew that Tom Holland was going to be playing the role of Peter Parker in Spider-man, so the idea of YA, the idea of young heroes was something that got us very excited because it works really well on television.”
The YA series he’s referring to are Cloak & Dagger on Freeform and Runaways on Hulu. Now that they are both Disney owned properties, Loeb went on to express his excitement for a crossover between the two series. Deadline then asked if Loeb could comment on the announcement that was made last week by ABC that there will be a project coming up with a female lead. Loeb shut it down by saying that’s classified! But he went on to clarify that Marvel Studios is heading up the Disney+ series that have already been announced, so he has nothing to do with that stuff. He’s focusing on his own batch of projects, but at some point should be brought into that fold.
He said that the Fox property acquisition is too early to comment on. But he was able to express his excitement about the animated Tigra and Dazzler series that is coming out with voice talents Chelsea Handler and Erica Rivinoja. This series will run alongside Howard the Duck, which will have the voice talents of Kevin Smith and Dave Willis. The two series will end up intersecting down the road. He talked about his excitement for Ghostrider and being totally blindsided by the cancellation of his slate of Marvel at Netflix.
Loeb closed out the interview with a palpable optimism that is definitely sure to gets fans excited about what is to come.
We have all different kinds of voices and genders and people who want to tell stories through the Marvel library, and when that happens, you get Marvel.
We believe that anyone can be a hero and that that enables you to tell stories about every single person on this planet, that’s our real secret.
Which series are you the most excited to see come out? Let us know in the comments.