Ravensburger has announced the first standalone expansion for Marvel Villainous, Marvel Villainous: Mischief & Malice. This expansion will feature three more classic Marvel villains to add to your games like Loki, Madame Masque, and M.O.D.O.K. Of course, each one has their own unique goal and unique playstyle such as Loki’s need to spend a unique currency called Mischief, Masque is out for Hero blood, and M.O.D.O.K. is after the Cosmic Cube.
Players who choose Loki as their Villain of choice will need to gain and spend ten Mischief in order to win. Those who pick Madame Masque, a golden-masked supervillain and one of Iron Man’s adversaries, will need to settle her Vendetta by vanquishing eight Marvel Heroes specifically for that purpose. Finally, M.O.D.O.K., the Mobile Organism Designed Only for Killing, will require players to activate the Cosmic Cube in order to emerge victorious. All of the new characters can be mixed and matched with villains from Marvel Villainous: Infinite Power for a total of four players.
You’ll be able to play Mischief & Malice on August 1 for $24.99. Which of the new villains are you most excited to play as?