Marvel's Dark Phoenix Saga Gets an Awesome 3-Minute Animated Story Breakdown

With X-Men: Dark Phoenix coming to theaters next summer, some of you non-comic book readers might be interested in learning about the story that the film is based on without having to read through the long and convoluted story.

Thanks to Marvel TL;DR, we have an entertaining animated video here that breaks down the entire story in only 3-minutes and it does it by basically giving you the Cliffs Notes version by giving you all of the important key plot points of the story arc.

On top of doing a great job of giving you a recap of the story it also does it in a fun animated style that you’ll all enjoy.

Check out the video below and let us know what you think. Did it do the story justice in 3-minutes of animated goodness?

It's not every day that the Phoenix Force decides to inhabit your body! This week on Marvel TL;DR, Jean Grey is fighting for her life, fighting for love, and fighting... the X-Men?? Who will survive this roller-coaster ride of cosmic powers and emotions?

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