Masterful Fan-Created Modernized X-FILES Intro
The X-Files is one of those shows that I've seen a couple episodes of, but haven't had time to make my way through the whole series. I saw both of the movies in theaters, but ever since word came out earlier this year that Fox is considering bringing the show back for a limited series, I've been meaning to dig in and catch up with the show before new episodes are eventually released.
Filmmaker Denver Jackson sent us this awesome X-Files video that he made that's a shot-for-shot recreation of the original opening of the show, but updated for modern times. Everything from the True Detective-style visuals to the haunting cello version of the iconic theme song works so well in this context, and after seeing this, I wouldn't be surprised if Fox gave him a call to create the actual opening credits for the new episodes. Check it out below, with the original opening embedded at the bottom for comparison purposes. For Joey's list of the 12 funniest X-Files episodes, click here.