MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE Finally Gets The Honest Trailer it Deserves

The classic 1987 He-Man movie, Masters of the Universe, finally gets the Honest Trailer treatment from Screen Junkies. I’ve been wondering when they would get around to making an honest trailer for this flick, and it’s a lot of fun to watch them tear into it.

Yeah, of course, I loved Masters of the Universe when I was a kid, but damn… it’s a ridiculously terrible movie! I recently watched the movie again just to be reminded how bad the film really is and it did not disappoint.

If you’ve never seen Master of the Universe for some reason, you should check it out just for the laughs. In the mean time, enjoy the Honest Trailer for it! At least we know that the new He-Man film that’s being developed won’t be as bad as this one… right?

Relive the first terrible movie based on action figures!

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