Matthew Vaughn Reveals KINGSMAN Sequel Title, Story Details, and Concept Art

Thanks to director Matthew Vaughn, we have some new details to share with you regarding his upcoming Kingsman sequel. While talking to Empire, he revealed that the movie will be called Kingsman: The Golden Circle. He also shared some concept art and offered up some details on the story.

It's previously been announced that Julianne Moore had been cast as the main villain and that Halle Berry will also have a role in the film as the head of the CIA. They will join Taron Egerton who will reprise his role as Eggsy. The sequel will take the action from the Kingsman group to the Statesmen, which is the U.K. organization's U.S. equivalent. 

"I didn't know if I wanted to direct this or not. I was worried about the villain. Spy films are only as good as their villains. Then one morning I woke up with the whole storyline in place, and a new villain plot."

He went on to talk about the expectations of the fans:

"You try not to read what people want, but they do want another church sequence. I have no reason for another massacre to happen. But I have other sequences you've never seen before."

Those sequences apparently involves skiing, a barroom brawl, robot dogs, one-armed henchmen, and the heroes being attacked by what Vaughn calls, "a massive f***ing frankfurter." Sounds awesome to me! I absolutely loved the first film. It's going to be hard to top, but hopefully Vaughn is able to pull it off.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle comes to theaters on June 16th, 2017. Check out the concept art below:

Via: CBM

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