Matthew Vaughn Wanted The X-MEN: FIRST CLASS Sequel To Revolve Around a Young Wolverine

Before Matthew Vaughn jumped out of the X-Men franchise to make Kingsmen: The Secret Service, he was developing a sequel to X-Men: First Class. This sequel would not have been Days of Future Past. The sequel Vaughn wanted to direct would have revolved around a younger version of Wolverine and that film would have led into Days of Future Past. During a recent interview with Uproxx, the director explained:

“I didn’t want to do Days of Future Past next. I felt that one should be in a trilogy and Days of Future Past should be the finale of that story. I would have done a film in-between where you meet the young Wolverine and a new character, and then in Days of Future Past became the young Wolverine and the old Wolverine and just really blow it out….So that’s what I would have done, but the studio didn’t agree with me on that. And, to be frank, as I said, it’s not my sandbox so I couldn’t do anything about it.”

That would've certainly been interesting! It's so hard to imagine a younger actor in the role of Wolverine. The film would've taken place in the 1970s and I wonder who Vaughn would have cast in the role. I also wonder how young he would have gone with the character. Late 20s early 30s maybe? Who would you have cast?

Hugh Jackman brought an end to the character of Logan in the best way possible, but one day Fox will reboot the character. We have no idea when, but when asked by Variety if a reboot was possible, 20th Century Fox Chairman and CEO Stacey Snider told them, "Anything’s possible." 

Would you have liked to see Vaughn's vision of a young Wolverine for the X-Men: First Class sequel? Or are you happy with what Singer ended up giving us?

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