Maybe This SEINFELD Video Game Pitch About Nothing Will Turn Into Something

Who would have thought that Seinfeld, a comedy series about nothing, would become one of the funniest, most popular, and successful shows of all time? I loved the series, and to this day when I watch it makes me laugh.

Well, two video game developers, Jacob Janerka and Ivan Dixon, are trying to secure the rights so that they can make a Seinfeld game, and as expected, that game would be about nothing. They even made a pitch video to get their idea across.

The game will feature a point-and-click gameplay, and plays will engage in puzzle-solving, item collecting, and senseless conflict stemming from miscommunication or meaningless objects, which is what the series loved to play with.

The game would also feature original stories written from the perspectives of playable characters such as Jerry, George, and Elaine. Kramer will not be a playable character as he is the "wild card" character. They even have a plot for the first 30-minute episode of the game:

Jerry is dating a publicist who accidentally reveals his email address to Kenny Bania through a group email. Now Bania fills Jerry’s inbox with a flurry of spam emails asking for feedback on his new stand-up set. Jerry decides to break up with the publicist over this, but he doesn’t want to deal with the interaction face-to-face. Kramer suggests ending the relationship via email and avoiding it all together. Jerry does this before Elaine reminds him that the publicist was supposed to get them all tickets to the opening night of the new movie “Rochelle, Rochelle 2”. George devises a plan to corrupt Jerry’s girlfriend’s computer before she can read her emails so that they can still collect the tickets. Kramer says he knows who can help. Someone with a sworn vendetta against email. Someone who has devoted their whole life to analogue mail and sees email as a threat to his livelihood. Someone named Newman.

That certainly sounds like an episode we might see in the series! I would actually love to see the game actually get made. The creators are trying to get it done "the official way," by obtaining the rights from Sony. They explain that to do that they "need actual, real internet people to show that there is a demand for it." So, if this is something you’d like to see, spread the word!

For more details on the game click here.

Check out the full pitch at Please share this far and wide with the the hashtag #seinfeldgame Creators of the pitch Jacob Janerka @jacob...

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