MECHANIZED MADNESS Is an OK Structure Deck with Great Reprints

The new Mechanized Madness Structure Deck from Yu-Gi-Oh! is out now, and it’s pretty good. It features a lot of great reprints like Trap Trick, Solemn Strike, and Cosmic Cyclone among others to really give the pack value. The trick is, I don’t think that this pack is going to bring Machina into the meta. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think this deck is as impactful as Shaddoll Showdown was. Don’t get me wrong, the cards are fine and Machina Citadel is pretty beastly. If you get three Mechanized Madness, you’ll be able to put together a fun deck. However, I don’t think the deck will see too much tournament play.

Mechanized Madness is out now and is retailing for $9.99. What’s your favorite card from the deck and do you think the game will show up more in tournaments? You can watch my unboxing of the deck below and my idea of a deck list using only three Mechanized Madness decks (also available on YGOPRO Deck).

  • MONSTER CARDS (21 cards):

    • 1x Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju

    • 3x Machina Citadel

    • 1x Machina Megaform

    • 3x Machina Air Raider

    • 3x Machina Fortress

    • 3x Machina Gearframe

    • 3x Machina Possesstorage

    • 3x Scrap Recycler

  • SPELL CARDS (14 cards):

    • 2x Pot of Avarice

    • 3x Machina Reformation

    • 3x Cosmic Cyclone

    • 3x Limiter Removal

    • 1x Machina Defense Region

    • 2x Supply Squad

  • TRAP CARDS (6 cards):

    • 3x Machina Overdrive

    • 3x Solemn Strike

Today, I'm unboxing Mechanized Madness, the newest Yu-Gi-Oh! Structure Deck.

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