Meet Iono's Partner Pokémon Bellibolt in New Video for POKÉMON SCARLET and POKÉMON VIOLET — GeekTyrant

Meet Iono's Partner Pokémon Bellibolt in New Video for POKÉMON SCARLET and POKÉMON VIOLET

This morning, The Pokémon Company, Game Freak, and Nintendo brought Pokémon fans back to the Iono Zone to show off a new Pokémon that will be available in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. The answer to Iono’s mystery Pokémon game is the brand new Bellibolt, and it’s a Pokémon that I didn’t like initially, but after about two seconds, I really enjoyed its design. It felt fun and unique and monster-like. I’ve been a little upset at how many Pokémon feel more human-like and so seeing Bellibolt was fun. Its belly reminds me of one of those Tesla ball toy things. Here’s a bit more about it:

Bellibolt expands and contracts its elastic body to generate electricity in an organ that looks like a belly button. The huge amount of electricity generated this way is then discharged from the two bumps on either side of its head that resemble eyeballs. Its actual eyes are adorably small and round.

Bellibolt’s Ability, Electromorphosis, is appearing for the first time in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. Bellibolt becomes charged when hit by an attack, boosting the power of the next Electric-type move it uses.

  • Category: EleFrog Pokémon

  • Type: Electric

  • Height: 3'11" (1.2 m)

  • Weight: 249.1 lbs. (113.0 kg)

  • Ability: Electromorphosis / Static

It was also seemingly confirmed that Iono does have two Magnemite in her hair, so it looks like we will be getting Paldean versions of them and probably Magneton. No official information has been provided, but if they change type at all, my guess is that they’ll become Electric/Fairy. In case you need a reminder, Iono is the Electric-type Gym Leader in Levincia and is the “Supercharged Streamer.” You’ll be able to battle her and Bellibolt starting November 18 when Scarlet and Violet launch on the Nintendo Switch. You can pre-order your copy now through the eShop or retailers like GameStop (affiliate link).

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