Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From GeekTyrant!

Christmas by Joey Paur

Art By PJ McQuaid

I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you for coming to GeekTyrant to geek out with us about movies, TV, art, comic books, and all the other geeky stuff that we're passionate about.

It means the world to me that you come to our site to get your daily dose of entertainment and geek news. You’re the reason that we are still around after all these years. It's all of you constantly coming to the site that keeps us afloat. We don’t make that much money, but it’s been just enough to keep us going and we feel lucky that we are surviving in a time where a lot of other websites are struggling and closing shop.

I’m just feeling overwhelmingly grateful for everything and for all of you and the opportunities I've been given. I'm even grateful for the readers that call me out on my spelling and grammar mistakes! I’m very open to all the constructive criticism that we get, it only helps me want to do better and make the site a better place to visit. We have an extremely small staff, so we really do the best that we can under the circumstances. 

I also want to say that I appreciate all of you who stop by to comment on the articles we write! It’s awesome to read everyone’s thoughts on the news being delivered and the opinions that we share. It’s fun to read all of the various opinions that people have and the respectful debates that the fans have with each other. Yeah, I know things get heated at times, but we’re passionate fans! I think we all understand that it’s hard to contain that passion sometimes! 

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays with your family and friends. I wish you all the best, and as we move into the new year I hope a positive outlook on life follows you. 2018 is going to be another great year for geek entertainment, there's a lot of great stuff to look forward to, but let’s make it a great year personally for ourselves as well! 

Again, I want to give an epic thank you to all of you awesome fanboys and fangirls for visiting GeekTyrant. Be safe and have an amazing day!

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