Mesmerizing Animated Short Tells The True Story of The Infamous Crash at Le Mans in 1955

I’ve got an animated short film for you today that you’ve got to watch! It’s called Le Mans 2955 and it tells the true story of the infamous crash at the 1955 race in which 80 spectators were killed when one of the cars flew off the track and into the stands where the people were watching… and how the race went on.

This is a beautifully animated short that tells a thrilling, intense, and mesmerizing story. If you enjoyed Ford v Ferrari, this is a short that is definitely worth your time to check out. Here’s the synopsis:

The 24 Hours of Le Mans, 1955. 300,000 spectators are watching from the sidelines. It is 6:00 PM when Pierre Levegh’s car plows into the spectator stands...

With epic scale, this lavishly produced CG animation employs a gorgeous 2D style to dive into the moral dilemmas that played out behind the scenes of auto racing's largest, and most notorious, tragedy.

The short was directed by Belgian animation filmmaker Quentin Baillieux and I applaud him for his work on this.

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