Mia Goth Hypes The Next Film in the X Trilogy MAXXXINE, Saying It Will Provide "The Greatest Cinematic Experience"

2022 was a great year for Mia Goth with her horror films X and Pearl. These were great horror movies, and she especially gave a fantastic and quite unsettling performance as Pearl. These are the first two films in a trilogy that was developed by director Ti West and Goth.

The upcoming third movie in the franchise is MaXXXine, and that movie will be set in 1980s Los Angeles. Goth will reprise her role as the lone survivor of the “Farmer’s Daughter” in X. The story follows Maxine, “after the events of X, as the sole survivor who continues her journey towards fame setting out to make it as an actress.” I’m sure it’ll be just as wild a viewing experience as the first two movies.

During a recent interview with Empire, Goth hyped up MaXXXine, saying: “It’s my favorite script of the three. Everything’s bigger. The world is bigger, the stakes are bigger. It’s going to provide the greatest cinematic experience of the three of them.”

West offered an update on the movie saying: “The script is done. I wrote this one individually. If X is a movie where they’re trying to make independent porn, and if Pearl is about her wanting to be part of ‘the movie business’, as difficult as that may be, then MaXXXine is certainly a different perspective on it. The world of straight-to-video plays a role.”

I’m curious to see how this next film in the trilogy turns out. One thing is for sure, it will provide some fascinating and unsettling entertainment.

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