Michael Madsen Shares a Cool Tarantino Easter Egg That Connects RESERVOIR DOGS to KILL BILL


It’s no secret that director Quentin Tarantino is meticulous about detail and story in the films he writes. His films are known for their quirky and thoughtful dialogue, and some stories have obvious crossover that can easily be picked up by even the most mild of fans. One cool tie-in we’ve picked up on in the past is recognizing the story that Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) is telling Vincent Vega (John Travolta) in the car in Pulp Fiction is the story of the ladies from Kill Bill.

But today we have two more tidbits that you may not have known that were shared by Tarantino’s friend and regular star, Michael Madsen, who has collaborated with the director in roles in Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, The Hateful Eight, and most recently, Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood. In a recent interview with the ReelBlend podcast, Madsen pointed out a fun connection between his character in Reservoir Dogs and the movie Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood. He said:

Well, I know that he does stuff like that a lot. That’s why my Cadillac is in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. That’s Mr. Blonde’s car, but who’s gonna know that unless they knew that.

He went on to say that Tarantino loves to plant connections to see if fans notice. He talked about a deeper cut Easter egg within Kill Bill, saying:

Quentin’s not gonna announce it, he wants people to find out these things in their own experience, you see? When I saw Kill Bill in London at the premiere, after the movie Quentin was with me at a restaurant. And he said, ‘Did you see it, did you see it? I said, ‘Did I see what?’ He said, ‘You know, when Uma’s buried, did you see it?’ I said, ‘I dunno what you’re talking about.’ He said, ‘Michael, the razor.’ I said, ‘Yeah.’ He goes, ‘That was yours. That’s the exact one you used in Reservoir Dogs.’ Yeah, he had kept my prop from Dogs and he gave that to Uma to use in Kill Bill to cut her ropes off.

He added:

He keeps stuff like that and he has this wonderful – I got the idea from him because I started keeping stuff too – and I said, ‘You didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you tell me?’ He said, ‘I was waiting for you to ask me,’ so he figured I would notice it. It never occurred to me that he would do something that cool.

Tarantino definitely does all these things because he is such a film lover himself. He watches, writes, and makes movies for the genuine love of it, and his films clearly show that. Did you know these facts already? What are some of your favorite Tarantino-universe Easter eggs?

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