MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM Film Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts Shares Video Addressing His Work on the Project


A couple of months ago it was announced that Kong: Skull Island director, Jordan Vogt-Roberts was hired to helm a live-action feature film adaptation of Mobile Suit Gundam. The filmmaker has now addressed his involvement and work on the project in a video message that he recently shared. The following note came along with the video that he shared:

A MESSAGE TO MY GUNDAM FAMILY… and all people of earth, whose souls are weighed down by gravity.

A newtype of future awaits us with @SUNRISEINC7, @Legendary, and @netflix.

You can check out the tweet he sent out and the video below:

I’m actually super excited for this movie and it seems like Vogt-Roberts is the right director for the job. I think he’ll end up delivering a cool film.

When previously talking about the project, Sunrise President Yasuo Miyakawa said that Sunrise has maintained almost all of the control over the film adaptation. That control was a requirement for Sunrise to agree to the project. Legendary will act as an active collaborator on the project. Netflix, will be distributing the film.

What are your thoughts on Vogt-Roberts directing Mobile Suit Gundam?

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