Mondo Unveils Posters Celebrating GREEN ROOM and BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA
If you've seen Jeremy Saulnier's brutal, gut-wrenching, suspense thriller Green Room, you instantly recognize why artist Oliver Barrett chose this image for his Mondo poster for the movie. it's a shout-out to one of the movie's gnarliest scenes, and since it's a pretty damn gnarly movie overall, it's notable that one twisted moment stands a bit higher than the rest.
Green Room by Oliver Barrett. 24"x18" screen print. Hand numbered. Edition of 175. Printed by D&L Screenprinting. $45
Green Room (Flyer Variant) by Oliver Barrett. 24"x18" screen print. Hand numbered. Edition of 100. Printed by D&L Screenprinting. $55
Meanwhile, Mondo also released a new print from Sam Bosma that celebrates John Carpenter's totally insane 1986 movie Big Trouble in Little China, a film that's in an entirely different realm of crazy. It's truly one of the weirdest studio movies of the '80s, and it's widely beloved for that weirdness. Let us know what you think about the posters below.
Big Trouble in Little China by Sam Bosma. 24"x36" screen print. Hand numbered. Edition of 275. Printed by D&L Screenprinting. $45