More Characters Revealed for POWER RANGERS: BATTLE FOR THE GRID
We finally know a few more characters that will be available in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid. We’ve known for a while that we’d have Jason, Tommy, Lord Drakkon, and Gia, and it’s been hinted that we’d see Ranger Slayer (really excited for that one), and now we officially know five new characters. First, Ranger Slayer was confirmed. Then, we get Goldar, who wasn’t very surprising. The last three really did surprise me though: Kat Manx, Magna Defender, and Mastodon Sentry. Magna Defender probably shouldn’t surprise me since he’s part of the team in Beyond the Grid, but he did. I’m also surprised that we got Mastodon Sentry as a character and not a skin for Zack. Before this reveal, there were a total of fifteen slots, which means we’re probably still missing six characters. Who else do you want to see?
Battle for the Grid will be available in April with pre-orders available now starting at $19.99.
As an added bonus, I’ve included a YouTube video of a gameplay livestream so you can see the game in action. It looks so awesome!