More Reshoots Reportedly Happening On SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY

It's totally crazy to think that we are only a little more than four months away from Solo: A Star Wars Story arriving in theaters. We have seen very little to no marketing in the form of posters, trailers, etc. And all of that is most likely attributed to the behind the scenes drama. There have been extensive reshoots, but now we're hearing that those reshoots are reportedly still happening.

A new report from a Redditor who has a history of sharing accurate information has surfaced and it says the reshoots are going to take place from the end of this month for three weeks. Which means Solo will have only finished shooting three months before it's set to release in theaters.

True or not, what do you guys think? They are most likely just pick-up shots which is normal. If they are more than that, can Ron Howard pull a Ridley Scott-type feat, doing reshoots so close to the release date?  We shall see.  

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